How to create an opening analysis?

Published on Saturday, December 8, 2007 in |

Originally this post has been published on, and it has been a little bit adapted when placed on this site. The other chess lessons will also be adapted and moved.

This lesson is based on the use of ChessDB, but for other Database programs similar approaches can be used. I suppose that in the future some tutorials will be added to the ChessDB site, so make sure that you also check this site.
I will give a very short explanation and you probably need the program to be able to understand all the steps. Please note that ChessDB also enables you to generate an opening report. If such a report fulfills your needs don’t take the time to create a much more time consuming opening analysis.

We start by opening our lessons database or by creating such a database. In addition we will also open the large database. By means of the Database switcher it will be rather easy to switch between these two databases.
Switch to the large database and open the Tree Window. In this Tree Window we will check the Lock checkmark.
And since we are here we can also click on the little button on the left which will open the Best Tree Games window.

Now we select the lessons database by means of the Database switcher. Here we start to enter a new game.
You make the initial moves of the opening you are going to analyze on the board and make the decision if you want to analyze the opening for White or for Black. My advice is to analyze an opening for one side at a time.

By selecting the first mentioned move in the Tree window you are able to enter the main line. You can enter as many moves as you like, but try to remember that the purpose was to analyze an opening. At this moment we also open the (PGN) Game Notation view. In this view select the first move for which the tree view showed more than one interesting continuation. If such an alternative exists for our own side we only have to add it if it looks very promising. Comments can easily be added by means of the Comment Editor.
If an alternative exists for the opposing side that is frequently played we have to add it too, because the purpose is to create material that assists us in learning an opening. Choose Add New Variation in the ChessDB’s pop up window.

The Best Tree Games window can be used to check which players have played the selected continuation and also to merge some example games in our analysis. In addition one of the chess engines can be used to analyze the positions and you may want to add some comments or annotation symbols by means of the Comment editor.

Don’t forget to save the game you entered.

Later we will create an opening report of the Lolli Attack.

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