The pin revisited

Published on Wednesday, August 12, 2015 in |

Before we start with a new lesson about the pin we are going to repeat the four things that we have learned about the pin in our previous lessons:

1. Remember the difference between an absolute and a relative pin.

    An absolute pin 

Black is not allowed to move the knight on c6.
    A relative pin

Black is allowed to move the knight, but then (in this case) White will capture the queen.

See also the lesson about the pin.

2. The simple pin
    Winning a piece 

White is able to pin the knight by 32.Rd1 and can capture this knight on the next move 33.Rxd4+.

3. Attacking a pinned piece
    In the diagram on the left White is able to pin the piece, but this piece can be defended by the b-pawn. White is still able to capture this piece, because he is able to attack the piece: 27.Bb4 b6 28.d4 Kg7 29.dxc5

See Attacking a pinned piece

4. A pinned piece isn’t a real defender
    The knight is pinned.
This allows White to capture the rook: 26.Qxb7

See the A pinned piece cannot be counted as a defender lesson

Next we are going to pay some attention to Chess Tactics explained.

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