The end of the game

Published on Friday, October 2, 2009 in , |

Now that we have learned how the chess pieces move it is time to pay some attention to the end of the game.
During one of the previous chess lessons we have learned that the game is decided with a Checkmate, but not every game ends with a Mate. One of the players often resigns before the actual Mate is being accomplished.

Furthermore if no legal move can be made, but the King is not checked, the game necessarily is at an end. This situation is called Stalemate and the game ends in a Draw.
A draw can also be reached by mutual agreement, when both players assume they are not able to win the game.
It is also a draw when during these fifty successive moves no capture nor the advance of a Pawn has been performed. or if exactly the same position (with the same player to move and the same castling possibilities) occurs three times in the game, the player to move can also claim a draw.

Chess clocks and time
Especially for the more official games the game is often played with chess clocks. These clocks count the time that each player separately takes for making his own moves. The player who has used all his available time also looses the game. Some additional rules especially with respect to these chess clocks but also for some more complex situations can be found in the FIDE handbook.

The chess lessons continue with 'think before you touch'.

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